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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Just Call Me DON-KEH!

Well we had a new arrival over the weekend. This cute little thing is our new donkey guessed it Donkey-Donk!


This great new addition to the family was donated by Indian Joe and Shelia. I just absolutely love this little guy already! However, I quickly learned donkeys are A LOT different than horses. Yesterday he started refusing to come into the barn with everyone else at feeding time. So I put the butt rope on him like you would a foal and pulled him right on inside. Well now that's not working and he has planted himself a la Eeoyre in the dirt right outside. So my long suffering neighbor came over and helped me encourage him to go indoors. We repeated the excersise two or three times and now he leads in and out very nicely. But wow are they different but I suppose in a good way. Now I have a cute little critter that doesn't mind when I just want to cuddle and hee-haws adorabley when he sees me!

River is still progressing as expected and is now probably at a BCS of 2. Ribs and backbone are quickly disappearing so now the only thing left will be the tail head and her hips! Its amazing how they bounce back!